Mt. Boucherie Community Centre Restoration Project
August update: On Tuesday, Aug. 23, Council received a staff report that provided an update at its regular Council meeting on the Mt. Boucherie Community Centre Restoration Project. Read the full report or watch the Council Meeting webcast.
What we heard - Engagement results
Thank you to everyone who participated and contributed their thoughts, ideas and feedback about Mt. Boucherie Community Centre. Read the What We Heard Report to learn more about the input we received from the community.
We want your stories!
Thank you to everyone who contributed stories to our online portal. We will compile the stories to celebrate the facility's 50th Anniversary in 2024 when we re-open the doors to the Westside.
West Kelowna’s central community hub to connect, play and learn
Mt. Boucherie Community Centre (MBCC) holds many memories for the community. For over three decades, MBCC was home to activities such as the Westside Winter Fest, family and school celebrations, sports tournaments and recreation programming.
In what was planned as a temporary move in 2009, municipal hall was relocated from Westbank Lions Community Hall to MBCC, which closed the centre to recreation programming and community events.
Now that the construction of West Kelowna’s first City Hall/Library Building is well underway, we are moving forward and planning the return of Mt. Boucherie Community Centre to the Greater Westside. As part of this project, we are engaging with the community to develop a facility plan to restore the building to its former identity as a community centre. Your input will help understand preferences for future programming and activities.
Over the next few months, you'll have the opportunity to share your feedback to help inform and identify priorities for renovations for MBCC so we can deliver a community centre that meets the diverse needs of our community.
Key dates
- April 20 - June 20: Feedback open
- Summer 2022: Feedback is shared with the design team
- 2023: Concept design shared with the community
- 2023: Renovation work takes place at MBCC
- 2024: MBCC celebrates 50 years! The facility re-opens as a community centre.
How to get involved
- Review the display boards
- Complete the online questionnaire
- Tell us your ideas or comments through the Ideas portal
- Share a favourite story or memory of MBCC
- Drop by a pop up engagement session
- Enter the colouring contest
Public consultation
Thank you for your participation. Feedback was open from April 20 - June 20, 2022. Your input will help guide the design of the building interior and programs offered to the community.
Public input is key to restoring MBCC so that it meets the needs of our community now and for generations to come.
Community centres are vital spaces that promote resilient communities by facilitating active living, community connectedness, and fostering citizenship amongst residents of all ages, ability levels, backgrounds, identities, and financial means.
Project timeline
How we got here
In 2021, the City of West Kelowna began the design and construction of its first City Hall since its incorporation in 2007. A reserve was established as savings to fund the design and construction. With the momentum of infrastructure investment well underway for water, sewer, roads and sidewalks, we are moving forward with delivering a suitable place for City administration.
Construction is well underway. Learn more about the project at
Have a question for the project team? Ask us here and we'll get back to you as soon as we can.