Shannon Lake Road Active Transportation Corridor Project
Kinsmen Park storm upgrades and streetlight installation
The new stormwater detention tank in the Kinsmen parking lot has been successfully installed. This upgrade includes new pipes running from the lower Kinsmen field to Swite Road, where there were no stormwater pipes before. The new detention tank is designed to effectively capture and manage stormwater runoff from surrounding neighbourhoods to the north, including Shannon Way, Shannon Ridge, Asquith, and Upper Sundance.
Crews have also finished installing streetlights along Shannon Lake Road. The final step is for BC Hydro to energize the lights, which will be done by the end of the year.
Further details regarding Section 2 of the project will be provided in spring 2025.
Enhancing road safety and creating an active transportation corridor for our community along Shannon Lake Road
Construction of a new multi-use pathway and road upgrades on Shannon Lake Road will enhance safety and create new active transportation and healthy living opportunities.
The $5.2 million project will be constructed in two sections and all work is anticipated to be complete in summer 2025. Partial funding of up to $500,000 is being provided under the B.C. Active Transportation Infrastructure Grant Program. Thank you to the Government of British Columbia!
Key project dates
- Spring 2024: Site mobilization and early works
- Summer 2025: Project complete
Timelines are subject to weather, contractor timelines and other factors. Please visit this page regularly for updates.
The project is being constructed in two sections, which will consist of:
Section 1
Section 1 will be completed in three phases:
- Phase 1: Road improvements from Kinsmen Park (lower field) to Asquith Road - Complete!
- Phase 2: Construction of a roundabout at the Asquith and Shannon Lake Road intersection - Complete!
- Phase 3: Road improvements from Asquith Road to Swite Road - Complete!
Section 1 project scope: What work is being done?
- 1.7-kilometre (850-metres each side of roadway) multi-use pathway on both sides of the roadway from Kinsmen Park (lower field) to Swite Road
- Roundabout at Asquith Road and Shannon Lake Road intersection
- 900 metres of road upgrades which includes concrete curbs and paving
- Pedestrian activated crosswalks at Kinsmen Park (lower field), Shannon Way, and Shannon Ridge Drive
- 850 metres of street lighting on both sides of the roadway from Kinsmen Park (lower field) to Swite Road
- Stormwater upgrades
- Landscaped boulevards
Section 2
Section 2 of the project is scheduled for spring 2025, and will see additional asphalt sidewalks added from Golf Course Drive to the existing sidewalk at 2649 Shannon Lake Road.
Section 2 project scope: What work is being done?
- 400 metres of 1.8-metre-wide asphalt sidewalk and bike lanes between Golf Course Drive to existing sidewalk at 2649 Shannon Lake Road
- 400 metres of streetlighting
What to expect during construction
Construction may cause occasional noise, dust, dirt and vibrations. Work outside of typical construction hours may be required temporarily. Driveway accesses will be maintained with minor interruptions for moving crews and equipment:
- Crews will mobilize to the site and stage equipment and materials
- Crews will complete stormwater and road upgrade work, install bike lanes and streetlights
- Pedestrian and cyclist access will be maintained
- The contractor will coordinate local access for residents living within the work area to ensure continued access to their homes
- Access to Kinsmen Park will be maintained
- Signs and reader boards will be placed along the detour route to help regulate speeds
Please note that during all phases of construction, access for transit and emergency vehicles will be maintained.
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