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❄️ What is a Snow Star?
With each snowfall, residents of all ages and abilities may face challenges in keeping their driveways and sidewalks clear of snow and ice. The City of West Kelowna'sSnow Starprogram encourages neighbours to look out for one another and lend a helping hand to those who may be unable to clear snow and ice from their sidewalks or driveways.
We call these caring, helpful neighboursSnow Stars, and we want to recognize their efforts!
Show your appreciation for your Snow Star by nominating them for a chance to win a great prize at the end of winter! Last year’s winners received gift cards to various local businesses in recognition of their good deeds.
How to nominate a Snow Star
Nominate your Snow Star by completing the online nomination form.
You can also fill out a paper version of the form, available on the right sidebar of this page, and submit it in one of the following ways:
By mail or drop-off:
City Hall at 3731 Old Okanagan Highway, West Kelowna, BC V4T 0G7
Drop-off hours: Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
By email
Send your complete form to
Please include "Snow Star" in the subject line
To be eligible for a prize, Snow Star nominees must be residents of the City of West Kelowna.
The deadline for nominations is Sunday, March 16, 2025.
Share a Snow Star story!
Tell us how your Snow Star has helped you this winter. You can even upload a photo or video of them in action.
❄️ What is a Snow Star?
With each snowfall, residents of all ages and abilities may face challenges in keeping their driveways and sidewalks clear of snow and ice. The City of West Kelowna'sSnow Starprogram encourages neighbours to look out for one another and lend a helping hand to those who may be unable to clear snow and ice from their sidewalks or driveways.
We call these caring, helpful neighboursSnow Stars, and we want to recognize their efforts!
Show your appreciation for your Snow Star by nominating them for a chance to win a great prize at the end of winter! Last year’s winners received gift cards to various local businesses in recognition of their good deeds.
How to nominate a Snow Star
Nominate your Snow Star by completing the online nomination form.
You can also fill out a paper version of the form, available on the right sidebar of this page, and submit it in one of the following ways:
By mail or drop-off:
City Hall at 3731 Old Okanagan Highway, West Kelowna, BC V4T 0G7
Drop-off hours: Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
By email
Send your complete form to
Please include "Snow Star" in the subject line
To be eligible for a prize, Snow Star nominees must be residents of the City of West Kelowna.
The deadline for nominations is Sunday, March 16, 2025.
Share a Snow Star story!
Tell us how your Snow Star has helped you this winter. You can even upload a photo or video of them in action.
A Snow Star is that reliable someone who helps shovel your neighbourhood’s sidewalks or driveways during the winter and truly deserves recognition for their good deeds.
With each snowfall, many residents face challenges in keeping their sidewalks clear of snow and ice. The City of West Kelowna’sSnow Star Programencourages residents to lend a helping hand to those who may be unable to manage this task on their own.
Fill out this form to nominate your Snow Star! All nominees will be entered into a random draw to win a great prize at the end of the season.
To be eligible, the Snow Star must be a resident of the City of West Kelowna.
The deadline for nominations is Sunday, March 16, 2025.
Privacy note: Personal information on this form is collected pursuant to theCommunity Charter/Local Government Act, and will only be used for the purpose it was collected. Your personal information will not be released except in accordance with theFreedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Questions about the collection of personal information may be referred to the Corporate Officer, 3731 Old Okanagan Highway, West Kelowna, BC, or calling 778-797-2250 during regular business hours.